Hsuan Tsang Retreat Center, Bhordharan

Mind training through meditation and cast and gender awareness training based on Buddha and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar teaching.

Hsuan Tsang Retreat Center is a place where people come to learn about meditation and being aware of their surroundings. It’s located in a beautiful area with green valleys and mountains. One of the famous attractions nearby is the tiger forest, which offers jungle safaris. The center is situated in front of a stunning dam.The retreat center was established in February 1992. The center has spread into 12 acres of land where the large stupa constructed  and  600 people can meditate and listen to lectures together. There are also well-equipped buildings for people to stay in during their retreat.Since its opening, the retreat center has hosted many residential retreats for men, women, youth, and children. These retreats focus on teaching meditation and exploring the teachings of Buddha, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, and Ven. Sangharakshita. People from all over the country have participated in these retreats.

The center has a residential community of 12 people who practice meditation effectively and work for the retreat as expression of their inner and positive mantle state. They also organize at least 12 retreats each year to share their experiences and teachings with others.

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Hsuan Tsang Retreat Center,
Bordharan Taq. Selu Dist, Wardha

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Project Leader: Dhammachari Kumarjeev

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